The Pharmacology Resource Page
Resources for Parents of Children with Special Needs
- Special Ed Advocate: A wealth of information on special education advocacy.
- COPAA: Council of Parents and Attorneys.
- Disability Rights and Educational Defense Fund: Disability Legal Defense
- The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law: Legal advocacy for the civil rights people with mental disability
Continue reading Resources for Parents of Children with Special Needs
Cerebral Palsy Information
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of conditions caused by medical abnormalities in the development of a fetus or the early life of a child. These lead to damage or delayed development in the brain. The disorder is permanent and, though it does not worsen with age, the level of functionality of a person with cerebral palsy varies widely: in some cases, effects may be very minor, while in others, movement is impaired to the extent that a wheelchair is required. Common complications associated with CP vary by the type of CP disorder but can include vision problems, seizures, learning disabilities, and issues speaking, writing, and performing other tasks related to motor control.
A Guide to College for Students with Disabilities
Continue reading A Guide to College for Students with Disabilities
A Guide To The Paralympics Games
The Physical Therapy Resource
Physical therapy is a discipline that focuses on helping people develop strength and regain function of the limbs and muscles of their bodies. A patient’s need for physical therapy evolves from factors such as an injury, debilitating illness, or advancing age. Physical therapists work with patients in many settings as a form of rehabilitation. Also known as physiotherapy, physical therapy is employed in several environments, including hospitals, nursing homes, and private offices. The goal of physical therapy is to establish or maintain function for people who have lost some abilities, and thereby improve their quality of life.
The Diabetic Resource
Disability Resources
Statistics from the United States Census Bureau indicate that over 50 million Americans have some kind of disability. As this is a large part of the nation’s population it is important that the rights of disabled individuals are protected. Discrimination against the disabled has been made illegal by acts of legislation and technologies have been developed to improve the lives of the disabled. There are several state, national, and international organizations that advocate on behalf of disabled individuals, whether physical or mental. Below is an informative resource guide to disabilities.
Job Resources for Individuals With Disabilities
- Employees’ Practical Guide to Negotiating and Requesting Reasonable Accommodations This article outlines what how one can request accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- The ADA: Your Responsibilities as an Employer: rules and regulations required of employers to accommodate those with disabilities.
- A Guide for People with Disabilities Seeking Employment: primer for those with disabilities on their rights in the workplace.
- Economic Independence Through Jobs & Self-Employment: official government guide to obtaining and maintaining a job.
- USA Jobs: fact sheet on finding a job within the federal government.
- Ability Jobs: job listing and resume assistance for people with disabilities.
- Project Hired: organization committed to helping people with disabilities obtain and keep jobs.
- Federal Jobs: listing of federal and government jobs especially for those with disabilities.
- WorkWORLD: software designed to manage skills with Federal and Social Security compensation.
- Career-Related Resources for Students With Disabilities: listing of helpful organizations and foundations.
- Ability Links: job-related resources for employees and employers.
- Vocational Rehabilitation: vocational rehab resources specifically for individuals with disabilities.
- Project Work: provides assistance and information with those with intellectual disabilities.
- Employment for Persons With Disabilities: resources on finding jobs and vocational rehabilitation.
- Lift Inc.: organization that aims to recruit and train individuals with disabilities for information management and information technology positions.
- National Business and Disability Council: group for business looking to hire individuals with disabilities.
Continue reading Job Resources for Individuals With Disabilities
Help For Wheelchair Users: Domestic and International
Wheelchairs change lives. Wheelchairs free the disabled around the globe, allowing independence and a better quality of life. Wheelchairs no longer signal “can’t do” but “can do.” And that’s no handicap.
Continue reading Help For Wheelchair Users: Domestic and International