Keep Your Mobility Scooter Working: A Maintenance Checklist

Seniors and people with physical disabilities have to deal with limited mobility every day. This can hinder their ability to complete daily tasks and increase their risks for slips and falls, which can cause serious injuries. Fortunately, there are mobility aids, like electric scooters, that can improve the quality of their life and minimize their risks of accidents.


Electric mobility scooters, however, require proper maintenance and the right accessories to keep them in excellent condition and prolong its lifespan. Otherwise, you’ll lose not only your investment, but also your or your loved ones chance to live independently amid mobility issues.


Self-Reliance with a Properly Functioning Mobility Scooter


A well-kept scooter provides several benefits that significantly improve the lifestyle of users. These include the following:

  • Lowering the risk of falls. A scooter allows seniors or physically challenged individuals to move around without the risk of falling. Falls can lead to injuries that can cause further complications.
  • Encouraging individuals to stay active. One major purpose of a mobility scooter is to provide users with the independence to move around indoors and outdoors. The ability to move independently can motivate them to stay active, which promotes better wellbeing.
  • Less hospital stays. A mobility scooter helps users avoid injuries, which can save money on costly hospitalization.
  • Making shopping more convenient. Errands become easier with a mobility scooter. You or your loved one can head to the mall or the neighborhood store to get supplies for the house without relying on further assistance from friends or family.


Maintenance Tasks to Prioritize


Knowledge of proper maintenance ensures the scooter will last for as long as it’s necessary, even with daily use.

Here are some maintenance tasks that you should do:

  • Check the batteries. You should know what type of battery your scooter has to determine the right maintenance method. Some batteries must be discharged completely before recharging, while others can be recharged anytime.
  • Clean your device at least once a week. You may use a damp cloth to clean the surface. There are also special cleaners designed for cleaning mobility scooters. Avoid damaging the surface when cleaning.
  • Consider getting the device serviced once a year. It’s vital to the health of your scooter if a professional will check on it at least once a year. A professional can spot any problem that needs an immediate solution before it gets worse.
  • Read the manual. Some users would skip this part, but the manual has maintenance instructions specific to the brand and the type of scooter (e.g., three-wheel, heavy duty, or portable). It may also contain guidance on common signs that indicate your scooter may break down.


Invest in High-Quality Accessories


Apart from proper maintenance, the right accessories can help you protect your mobility scooter against various elements. These can contribute to extending the lifespan of your mobility aid. Some accessories, like scooter lifts, also make it convenient for you to carry your scooter.

Here at, we offer different mobility scooter accessories to help or your loved one maximize the use of a mobility aid. You can choose from our selection of bags, covers, and lifts, among others that fit your needs. We use only durable materials to meet your requirements.


Contact us for further information.